The Happiness Diet - this is the link.
My interest in this was raised when I watched the program "The House of the Food Obsessives". It sounded and seemed like a new direction and one that may even work. This led me to subscribing to the Happiness Institute's weekly newsletter and researching 'Positive Psychology'.
Positive Psychology is the study of what makes us happy. Rather than concentrating on what makes us sad, and alleviating it - it looks at what makes us happy, fulfilled - a satisfying life.
Initially I thought it would be all a bit ra-ra, the usual clap-trap that you get on Work 'team-building' days, that is fairly meaningless. But the more I researched into it, and thought about, the more I realised that this isn't that shallow. Especially when you tackle topics like suffering and pain.
So I've taken the bull by the horns and I'm giving the happiness diet a try. You're welcome to follow me - ask questions - or what you like, and see what happens.
Go read the website, or look up the 'House of the Food Obsessives' at SBS or You-tube.
I remember you talking about this when you last visited and I'm glad you've had the spoons to begin now. I've bookmarked your new blog and I'm looking forward to following it. Best of luck!!! You really DESERVE happiness!