The big obvious ones are when I went overseas and met Annefia and Dustbunnie.
Annefia and Dustbunnie are two of the dearest and most wonderful friends I have in the world. And one lives in Sweden and one lives in Denmark. I met them online and we became friends online through a forum called SimPixels and Graphics. I had known them for years, and was talking to Dustbunnie almost every day via yahoo. They are both funny, wise, and loving and I was pretty sure that wasn't just an online persona. (Although there are many other people online and in forums that do - Online safety is a must!) After 5 years of knowing them online only I really really wanted to meet them in real-life. I couldn't see how I could, but I wanted to very much.
Life (and God) got on my side and gave me the ability to achieve this desire. I got offered a job in Ireland, and was there for 3 years. Back in 2006 - 2009. I was scared to visit, but I was also excited.
First I visited Dustbunnie. I organised to stay with her for just a weekend - thinking that would be the easiest thing, and if I needed to leave earlier I could. I remember getting off the plane in Arhus and seeing her through the glass as I was coming out of the gates with my bag. I couldn't stop smiling and I felt like I was going to burst with happiness. We waved ecstatically at each other until I could reach her, then we gave each other huge hugs and laughed. She was just like I pictured her to be - and I don't mean her body and face which looked familiar - but her spirit matched her. She was my Dustbunnie who I'd grown to love like a soul-sister. And it came straight out of her eyes and her expressions. Like most of our relationship on-line - we talked. And talked, and talked and talked and talked. There was no jarring in our relationship - nothing hidden, we were ourselves and had proved to be ourselves both online and in reality. My first time with her turned out to be way too short!!! But I have visited more times now - and even was able to have a Christmas with her and her son. When I moved back to Australia I knew that I would see her again. And it took me until August this year - but I did! And she was just as wonderful to be with.
One day, I would like to be able to visit her for a good long time - maybe a month. But in the meantime we talk everyday and I love doing it.
I was less scared visiting Annefia. After all if Dustbunnie was the same (and more so!) then so would Annefia be. Annefia was wonderful, and we talked and talked and talked and slept and enjoyed the cats, but mostly talked until I had no voice. Again she was just like herself and more so - and the funny, wise, generous and loving friend I had made was the one I now knew in the flesh!
Having met each other, my bonds with both these girls have strengthened and grown more solid.
They know my heart more than most people, and it is a joy to me to bring happiness and joy to them. I love making Annefia cry - in a good way! - and I hope to do it many more times. :D
I've known both these women now for 10 years and I can't imagine a happy future that they don't have a share of, or an influence over.
So there you go. A happy desire with a wonderful outcome!
I love you too! I don't know what else to say. I'm very moved.
ReplyDeleteI know you love to make me cry and you've just done it again, you evil, evil woman. LOL You know I love you A LOT and I'm sooooo happy that you're a part of my life.
ReplyDeleteYes. Yes I do. I do know you love me alot, and it's very reciprecal (or however you spell that).
ReplyDeleteI feel like God was blessing me when he brought you two into my life. :)