
Monday, December 12, 2011

Another Goal to work on

When I was on Jenny Craig, one of the things that I did like very much was the menu planner. It meant that I didn't have to think about what I was going to eat, and prepare. So I'm going to try this as a way of dealing with the Diabetes. If I plan the meals maybe I won't indulge in the wrong places.

This is not an original idea - it comes from I'm an Organising Junkie: Menu Plan Mondays and watching it work for Nony the Slob (who is currently a heroine of mine).

Doing it as a part of Menu Plan Mondays means that I have others who are doing at the same time - so it's kind of like support. Also because I am a spreadsheet junkie - it also means that I will have menu plans saved, and when I find recipes online, I'm putting them straight into the spreadsheet as well (separate page) so that I can re-use the ones that work.

A little bit different to MPM is that I'm including ALL meals, not just dinner. It isn't just dinner that is causing me to fall over.

Anyway - enough talk:

Monday: Muesli, Tuna and Salad Veges, Grilled Fish with steamed veges and a sugar-free, carb-free, but tasty sauce (still have to find that).

Tuesday: Boiled Egg, Soup (out of a can which is bad - but I'm getting rid of what I have in the cupboard). Lentil Curry with 1/4 cup rice.

Wednesday: Muesli, Tuna and Salad Veges, Bacon meatloaf with steamed veges.

Thursday: Strawberries, Canned Soup, Lentil patties (made from left-over curry) with steamed veges.

Friday: Muesli, Tuna and Salad, Chicken Stir-fry with Sweet Potato

Saturday: Mushroom and onion Omelette, Raw veges with a nice dip, Bacon and Cauliflower Soup with parmesan crisps.

Sunday: Strawberries, Tuna and Salad, TAKE-OUT!!!

Snacks: 6 Devilled Eggs, 1 cup fresh cranberries, mixed nuts, sugar-free yoghurt, cheese sticks, carrot sticks and cauliflower florets.

Treats: Low-joule or sugar free Jelly. Flummery made with Jelly, berries and sugar-free yoghurt.

I work from home - so making lunch is not a hard thing as it would be if I had to pack it. Evenings are more a problem. I'm generally too tired to cook. So we'll see how we go. After 49 years of having the big dinner - it's going to be a bit of a change to move the main meal to lunch time. I'll leave that for later.


  1. Good job planning it ALL out! I'm amazed at how having a menu plan really does affect (positively) my entire week!

    Thanks for the link!

  2. Hi, I popped in from your link over at A Slob Comes Clean....

    You're further ahead on Menu Planning than me. I haven't done it YET. I've been wanting to... but I just haven't taken the time to really sit down & do it.

    As for Tuesday's soup out of a can... you said it was bad... It reminded me of the time I met diet guru Richard Simmons (some people think he's hokey, but I like him - his Deal-A-Meal Program has worked for me)... anyhoot... When I met him I said 'Oh Richard, I've been bad - I ate a candy bar'... and his reply was so wonderful... 'Well Honey, did you eat the whole bag?' 'No' 'Well then you're not bad - it'd be bad if you at the whole bag a candy bar once in awhile won't kill you.' So 'bad soup' won't kill you. :-) Be encouraged... you're being a good steward of what you have.

  3. Hi Nony - thank you for coming and checking it out! I have been greatly encouraged by your blog, and hope to have a similiar positive experience. :)

    Hi Livin' in Duckville - It ended up taking me about 3/4 hour this first time and I did it last thing Sunday night. I'm expecting it to be easier further down the way because of the spreadsheet.

    Thankyou also for your comment about the Tuesday Soup. I'm reading a diabetes blog too which says - don't call them bad, call them off-plan. I really need to stop punishing myself, and use more emotionally-neutral language about food. That's great about the Richard Simmons - and very encouraging! :)

  4. A thought.

    Tasty sauce for veggies with no carbs or sugar - vinnaigrette?
