
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Saturday doings

Working on the Goal: House to Home.

Thursday I brought home 4 boxes. These ones aren't as easy to sort and categorise, and throw and put.

Today, I moved the dining table from the kitchen out to the Living room for more desk space while I sort papers.

Decided to sort into categories rather than find places for things. There is way too much paper here and sorting through the ton is going to be too overwhelming to do it in one sitting.

So... I have a folder now labelled 'Writing' which has a pile that was a thumb thick, plus 2 more folders that were half-started. All the writing has been consolidated into 1 folder. And the 2 empty folders  put in the cane basket which has also been emptied.

there is a box called craft, which all the craft things are going in. It is a BIG box. So far I've come to the conclusion - I have a fetish for stationery. Not the letter writing sort. No. The Blank Book type. And lots of books that have started the first 5 pages, and then nothing.

A shoe box size for bible studies and sunday school stuff. And I thought I'd given away all the Sunday School stuff!.

A bag full of receipts.

I've also chucked out all the Babylon 5 notes that I printed from a website when it was on at the time. I haven't re-read them in years and don't expect to. The website is gone but I'm sure I'll survive! That's a very large folder emptied!

I've got more things for my suitcase of momentos from last week. Which is good :D

And 2 more piles - Business stuff, and...

The I don't know - but I need to keep it pile. Hmmm Maybe Health? It's the Beyond Blue guides to what works for Depression, and What works for Anxiety Disorders.

It's taken 2 hours to do that - and it feels very draining to do. So off to have a nap before I start on the next box.

Yup - All of that from just 1 box. And I brought home 4 boxes. Sigh.

Note - I'm not doing any purging at all. Just sorting. Purging comes later when I'm looking at like-to-like. Still trying to think of some ways that I can do this.

Glad I have a scanner. :D


  1. WOW! You have been SO good! I'm very very proud of you for what you have done so far!

  2. Way to go!!! And biiiiig hugs as well!

    Scanning as many things as possibly sounds like a really good solution to me. You might have a small apartment but you've got big hard drives.
